
Product | Potentiostat/Galvanostat
WMPG Series
SI Software for WMPG
  • Software for WMPG1000 series
  • 32bit multi-tasking
  • Virtual control panel
  • Tool bar: quick access for easy operation
  • User friendly software
  • To use this software, SIF board is required.
      응용 분야


    • 32bit/64bit OS environment
    • TCP/IP communication
    • Max. 200 steps
    • Max. 10 cutoff(vertex) condition
    • Max. 400,000 data point memory on control board
    • Single/multichannel control panel
    • Various real time plots & universal axis graphs
    • Data backup function
    • WYSIWYG graphics
    • User friendly software

    • Predefined technique menu

    Electroanalytical techniques
    - Cyclic voltammetry
    - linear sweep voltammetry
    - Chrono-amperometry
    - Chrono-coulometry
    - Chrono-potentiometry

    Corrosion measurement
    - Tafel plot
    - Potentiodynamic
    - Potentiostatic
    - Galvanostatic
    - Cyclic polarization
    - Ecorr vs. time
    - linear polarization resistance

    • Evergy Test
      - CC/CV (lithium battery) test menu
      - CC/CC (NiCd(NiMH) battery) test menu
      - Steady state CV
      - Pstat IV curve
      - Gstat IV curve
      - EVS (Electrochemical voltage spectroscopy) test
      - GITT (Galvanostatic intermittent titration technique) test
      - PITT (Potentiostatic intermittent titration technique) test

    • Schedule editor
      • One stop test condition creation/modification
      • Multiple input parameters available
      • Max. 200 test steps
      • Control parameters
      - Constant voltage, LastV
      - Constant current, LastI
      - Constant power
      - Constant load
      - C-rate
      - Voltage scanning, current scanning
      - Conditioning potential
      - Conditioning current
      - Rest
      - LastVscan
      - CstepV(Staircase Voltage Sweep)
      - CstepI(Staircase Current Sweep)
      - CC/CV, CL/CV, CP/CV, Crate/CV
      - Id, Is control

    • Single channel & multichannel control/monitor panel

      - Single channel control/monitor panel

      - Multichannel control/monitor panel

    • Single monitor
      - Real time display: time, voltage, current, channel status
      - Channel status color display: charging, discharging, standby, idle, calibration

    • Control type
      voltage, current, power, load, rest, C-rate, current scan, voltage scan,
      conditioning potential, voltage step, current step, rest conditioning,
      Last I, Last V, OCV, LastVscan, VocScan, ZRA
    • Cut-Off (Vertex)
      time, voltage, current, dV/dt, dI/dt, percentage capacity (FCC, FCD, LCC, LCD),
      cycle time, capacity, -dV, power, temperature, Aux voltage, Calc voltage, dT/dt
    • Data acquisition setting
      time, dV/dt, dI/dt, dT/dt, dV2/dt
    • And/Or logic available in cut-off condition
    • Virtual control panel
      In virtual control panel, it displays real time graphics (V vs. I, V & I vs. time, V vs. logI etc)
      to fit its own techniques. It also displays current data and other information of current
      - Experiment parameters can be saved or loaded on the virtual control panel.
      - On experiment running, users can data analysis or other tasking simultaneously.
      - Nominate data saving folder by user selection
      - Cell connection check function

    • Rea time data monitor
      - Displayed test data: status, running time, step number, cycle number, step time,
      current range, current, voltage, capacity, power, energy, Aux V, Calc V, temp,
      cycle file name, data file name, and file size.

    • Tools
      - Data Editor : General data report, Cycle data report
      - Data editing
      - Data filtering
    • Graphics
      Universal graphic function
      User can set X, Y, Y1 axis variable
      - User can use this function for running experiment
      - With re-load button click, the data format can be changed with out data loading.
      - File overlay: Max. 20 files
      - Automatic scaling and manual scale/polarity setting available
      - Crosshair data pointing displays the data value by mouse click
      - Caption available on the graph
      - Density, specific value display
      - Slope calculation function
      - Grid and pixel/line selection
      - Copy to clip board for graphic data
      - Data conversion only for graph data
      - Parameter change without reloading the data file
      - Data set On/Off: Data can be visible or invisible by selecting/deselecting the data set
      - Rest step data hidden function
      - Advanced graph setting

    • Safety limit & fail check function
      - To protect hardware, this system stops the experiment run automatically when detect
      the any value over hardware specification or user defined safety value.
      - It also stops the experiment running when the control value is different from measured
      value by wrong connection or abnormal reference electrode etc.
      - If the user tries to close the program by mistake operation, the program refuses this operation.
      - This system monitor the cell voltage and if the voltage value is too small, then warning message
      will be display to protect wrong cell connection.

    WMPG Series
    WMPG1000 Introduction
    WMPG Series
    WMPG Series
    WMPG1000Ls / WMPG1000Le
    WMPG Series
    WMPG Series